Kategori Event
ISI isi Art Group Exhibition 2014
Gallery Kemang 58
Jl.Kemang Raya No 58
Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Thursday 20 February 2014 (10.00 AM)
Exhibition will be held until 16 March 2014 (9.00 PM)
Is cross generations art group exhibit which around 140 + artists contribute
whith their various style from Soetopo ASRI
1950, Joko Pekik ASRI 1958 until Agus TBR ISI 1999 and Rato Tanggela ISI 2008, from Kartika Affandi University Tagore,
Shantiniketan, India 1950, Tri Nawang Wulan ASRI 1977 until Erica Hestu ISI 1989 and Diah Yulianti ISI 1992
All of the art that shows use the same format which is 35 x 35 cm, without differentiating the artist generations,
popularity, style and price
Organized by talenta organizer
Alamat Jl.Kemang Raya No 58
Provinsi DKI Jakarta
E-mail talentaorganizer@gmail.com
Tanggal 20-02-2014
Web Site http://talentaorganizer.com
Telepon 02171584609
Tipe Iklan Iklan Gratis
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